Retake system of take-away containers
Exploratory project
Konstfack University
Retake is a system of return and reuse of standardised take-away food containers. The containers are made of stainless steel for its high durability and resistance – they can be reused many times and 100% recycled at the end of its long life cycle. This system is thought to reach all restaurants, kiosks, bars and cafes in the city, collaborating with food delivery services: after use the containers are returned/collected, washed and distributed back.
Context and user research
To design containers for take-away food and a system of return and reuse, I started by mapping out and emphasising with all the affected actors of the system.
Restaurants: I analyzed a multitude of restaurants, kiosks and cafes serving different foods, the current containers they are using, and what the food they are serving requires. I interview restaurant managers to get insights of the requirements and challenges such a system would have. Main points: costs and acceptability’s.
Users: I talked to potential users of this service and observe their current take-away journeys and arranging brainstorm sessions and workshops to get their insights and visions about the service. Main points: nice to eat from directly, flexibility/easy to return, alternatives to pay a deposit.
Delivery: I interviewed a cyclist distributor for a food delivery service as well as a user experience designer from another, they gave me a lot on insights about the internal practicalities of distribution and logistics of this services, as well as knowledge about the most often order meals, amounts and timing of orders. Main points: Easy piling containers, good seal, standard sizes is a huge benefit.
The containers are minimized to the least number of sizes and amount of parts, but still fulfilling all the requirements to suitably transport most typologies of foods. They come in three standard sizes: The largest size is suitable for pizzas and other flat large pastries; the medium size is suitable for most dishes, from soups, to burgers and other meals; the smallest is for sauces or other accessories that must be separate, it can fit inside the medium size. The containers are made of stainless steel for its high durability and resistance – they can be reused many times and 100% recycled at the end of its long life cycle.
The containers are designed for a system of returned and reused creating closed a cycle that reaches all restaurants, kiosks, and cafes. The concept entails a compulsory deposit over the containers that is refunded when the container is returned to the system. They can be returned directly to any restaurant or to other returning points such as collection machines and food delivery services can also function as collection services. In case the food container is received through a delivery service, the consumer can choose to transfer the meal to another dish and return the container straight away, not needing a deposit. This concept is demostrated in the video of the user journey bellow.
User journey video
Retake system of take-away containers
Exploratory project
Konstfack University