alicia knight

Belvedere  sitting area installation

Equilibrio Residency
Collaboration: Studio PANK

Belvedere  sitting area installation

Equilibrio Residency
Collaboration: Studio PANK

As part of the residency organized by Equilibrio in Porto Ferro, Sardinia, Jonathan Berglund and I collaborated to create a pavilion where architecture meets craftsmanship, using local materials and traditional techniques. Equilibrio’s mission is to unite art, music, and architecture in harmony with nature, fostering connections between local and international participants while enhancing the cultural landscape of Sardinia.

We worked closely with a local biologist to understand the plant life, aiming to use materials not just as resources, but in ways that promote positive regenerative effects on the environment. We identified Arundo donax (giant cane), a plant introduced to Sardinia from Asia centuries ago, as an ideal material due to its historical use in construction and crafts.

Together, we developed Belvedere, a pavilion that invites visitors to sit, reflect, and contemplate the surrounding forest. The design included arches made from the forest’s branches, guiding participants along a forest pathway, encouraging exploration while subtly leading the way.

In the construction, we utilized every part of the cane: the thickest stems formed the framework, while thinner, flexible pieces were woven around the structure. The flowers were suspended from the top, and the leaves were woven into seating pads. The bench itself was dug into the earth, with the removed soil repurposed to form a supportive backrest.